Engine hospital shop

Turbine Engine Hospital Shop

We speak engines and believe that every engine has the potential to rise above its challenges and soar to new heights of performance.

photo ATR Engine Repairs

Top Case Repair

Choose ATR for your turbine top case repair needs

The engine hospital shop procedure involves repairing engines on-site at an airport or maintenance repair organization. This choice saves operators substantial money in downtime and logistics costs.


Early Detection of Flaws

NDT services

NDT techniques employed by ATR allow for the early detection of even the most hidden flaws or defects, which may otherwise go unnoticed during routine inspections. This proactive approach ensures timely maintenance and prevents potential issues from escalating into serious problems.


Borescope Inspection, 3D Measuring Capabilities

Engine borescope Inspection with digital measurement

Specializing in video borescope inspection, we use state-of-the-art equipment in aviation technology.


Documented Compliance and Traceability

records in place

ATR maintains meticulous records, providing clients with comprehensive documentation that demonstrates compliance with industry regulations. This documentation also ensures traceability, allowing for future reference, monitoring of component performance, and facilitating efficient maintenance planning.

photo ATR engine repairs
Experience the difference

Customer focus

Responsibility & Consistency

Honesty & respect

Continuous improvement